Hello artists! This page offers exciting opportunities for artists to showcase their work at the Holland Area Arts Council.

Dear Artist(s):

This is the first step in participating in a brand new collaborative public art project that will bring local organizations together and add vibrant, creative artwork to downtown Holland.

The theme for this project is Celebrating Holland’s Diversity. "This initiative reflects our shared commitment to fostering inclusion, empowerment, and creativity by showcasing Holland’s diverse stories and perspectives. Together, we celebrate the individuality and collective strength that define our community, using public art to build bridges, amplify voices, and inspire lasting connections."

As with past banner projects, we are asking artists to create artwork to adorn the avenue banners of downtown. In this new project we are photographing your art and reproducing it LARGE on vinyl banners. This means your two dimensional art can be any medium. The banners will be displayed on light poles in downtown from June –through September for the next several years.

We are setting our parameters wide but have a few guidelines for acceptability. See attached guidelines for complete instructions but here are a few of the important ones:

•   Work must depict an aspect of your heritage, culture or how you identify. We’d like to keep this a celebration - so please be positive in your expression.
• Your finished 2-dimensional image–painting, drawing, photograph, collage, etc.–must be 7”wide by 17” high with (at minimum) an additional 2” border on all sides, (unless your art is on canvas)
•    You may submit up to three (3) works
•    No logos, full business names, or recognizable signage can be included in your artwork. Artwork must be original and your own. Any depictions of existing public art or statues must be with the permission of the original artist.

Included is a form for you to fill out to be attached to your submitted artwork. We have provided examples to give you an idea of what can be done. Deadline to submit your artwork is March 10, 2025. All artists will be notified of the committee’s decision. Accepted artists will be paid $50 and their work will become the property of the Holland Area Arts Council. All other works can be picked up after you been notified. Please email for questions.

Calling all artists! The Ottawa County Art Trust Exhibition is an exciting opportunity to showcase your work and be a part of a growing collection that celebrates the creativity of our local community. In partnership with the Holland Area Arts Council, Ottawa County invites artists who live or work in the county to submit their original works for this annual juried exhibition. This is your chance to have your art displayed for the public and, potentially, selected to become part of the county’s permanent art collection. Each year, the county purchases several pieces to be included in the collection, with a total of $3500 dedicated to acquiring local art.

Artists are invited to submit up to two original works in any medium, reflecting the cultural traditions, natural beauty, or community spirit of Ottawa County. Selected works will not only be exhibited but may also be purchased for inclusion in the Ottawa County Art Trust collection. Additionally, pieces that are purchased by individuals, businesses, or organizations can be donated to the collection, with special recognition for the donors.

Don’t miss this chance to contribute to the cultural heritage of Ottawa County while gaining exposure and recognition for your work. The exhibition opens on June 24, and entries are accepted until June 18. To learn more about this juried show, please check out this link. You may submit works now via the submission form. Register today to be part of this meaningful artistic tradition!

For Additional questions please email